Why have a facelift surgery?

As you grow older, your skin loses elasticity, making your cheeks sag and your neck lax. Your jawline also becomes less defined as you age.

You don’t have to leave your youthful glow behind. You can restore your naturally vibrant appearance and address the first noticeable signs of skin aging by getting a facelift.

What Is a Facelift?

A rhytidectomy, more commonly known as a facelift, is a surgical procedure that involves lifting or tightening facial tissues and sculpting, redistributing, or removing fat in order to achieve a youthful appearance.

It addresses age-related facial changes, including skin laxity, muscle tone, fat positioning, and skin quality. Although it’s called a facelift, it doesn’t mean operating on the entire face. It only involves the lower two-thirds of your face and your neck. To address aging in the eye areas, patients will often have eyelid or brow lifts at the same time as their facelift. In this case, a surgeon will perform two different facial procedures in a single operation.

A facelift is a complex procedure, requiring extensive knowledge in facial anatomy, as well as specific surgical skillsets. Not all cosmetic surgeons are trained in facelift surgery in their residency. This is all the more reason to research your facelift surgeon carefully before signing up for a procedure.

Before the Procedure

At a consultation with a surgeon, you’ll most likely be asked about your medical history, past plastic surgeries, and complications with any of these surgeries. Your doctor will probably also ask you about lifestyle habits. This can include smoking, drugs, or alcohol use, as they may increase your risks of complications.

Your doctor will perform a facial exam. They will take close-up photos of your features to examine the shape of your face, bone structure, fat distribution, and the quality of your skin to determine the best way to proceed with the surgery.

A facelift can be performed either in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. Your surgeon might instruct you to stop taking certain medications a few weeks before the scheduled operation.

The Procedure

On the day of the surgery, you’ll be sedated. Depending on your surgeon, you’ll be given a local or general anesthetic.

Facelift procedures are unique to each patient’s needs. A surgeon plans based on your age, anatomy, skin condition, and personal goals.

Here are a few different types of facelift procedures that can you give a more youthful glow:

  • Traditional: A traditional facelift addresses moderate to advanced aging in the mid-face area as well as the neck. By making an incision right behind the hairline, starting from your temples, extending to the front of the ears, and ending behind the ears in the lower scalp, a surgeon can reposition deeper tissues, remove excess skin, and eliminate sagging.
  • Mini Facelift: A mini facelift resolves minimal skin sagging and excess skin in the lower part of your face, resulting in a lifted and smoother contour. It can’t address severe aging in the face or heavy jowls. It’s ideal for younger patients who want to prevent premature signs of aging from becoming too pronounced.

At Palmer Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Palmer uses a unique technique, which is quite different from most facial surgery procedures. He makes incisions hidden inside your ear, behind your ear, and inside your hairline, making scars nearly invisible. This allows him to address all soft tissue components of facial aging, which includes your neck.

After the Procedure

If the procedure is going to take place in an outpatient surgical facility, make sure you have someone who can pick you up and drive you home after surgery.

Right after the surgery, you may experience mild to moderate pain, as well as swelling. You’ll be asked to keep your head elevated, use a cold compress, or take pain relief meds to minimize the swelling and puffiness.

For most patients, the recovery process is quick. A lot of patients can resume their normal daily routines two weeks after a standard facelift. The recovery time is even shorter for mini facelift procedures.

Just remember that every patient is unique. You’ll heal differently from others, so listen to your surgeon’s instructions for postoperative care.

Facelift Surgery: Restoring Your Youthful Glow

The results of a facelift can have long-term effects when done right. That all depends on the skill and expertise of the surgeon performing the operation.

At Palmer Cosmetic Surgery, you’re in good hands. Dr. Palmer will go above and beyond to customize procedures to meet the needs and goals of each patient. His facelift technique is different from others as it doesn’t require drains post-op. All facelift surgeries are performed at an accredited facility with IV Sedation.